Clutch bar dallas gay bar

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Jaime-Paul Falconĥ025 Bowser Ave., Dallas, You know that scene in Varsity Blues where the guys have been partying all night, and then stumble wearily into the sun? Yeah, that's what it's like after a Sunday at Hidden Door.

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There's also a fantastic jukebox and the bartenders make a mean drink, but really it's all about the 75-cent beer. So let's wave the flag for the 10 best gay bars in Dallas.ħ5-cent beers on Sunday! I repeat, they have 75-cent beers on Sunday! Along with killer bloody marys and, one more time, 75-cent beers! Sorry, I got a little excited I really, really, really, really like cheap beer. Once you do, you'll discover a crucial fact: Nothing beats a party at a gay bar.

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Get over whatever absurd misconceptions you've been holding onto all these years (yes, Texas, we're looking squarely at you) and get with the 21st century.

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